It seems as time goes on, fashion fads seem to come and go: bell bottom jeans, big rings, black nail polish, Ugg boots - all fashion fads that have come and gone in the past decade.
Now, I don’t mean those things no longer exist, but their peak on the market has definitely passed through.
Like I always say, fashion comes and goes, but style is eternal.
Recently, over the past year or so, I have come to notice a new fashion fad sweeping over a range of individuals from all ages.
From toddlers to teens, it seems many have been infected by this fashion flu.
But not only has this new fad been adopted by the average everyday girl, it has also slithered its way into the celebrity world.
So what is the new fad spreading over this wide demographic you may ask?
The feather hair extension.
Now I know we have all seen and heard of the feather hair extension, but who was the first to say wearing these feathers in your hair was “in”?
I will admit that I too fall amongst the wide range of girls who were cast under the spell of the feather. Last year I spent $20 putting one small feather about the size of a piece of yarn in my hair.
When the feather hair extension first started, the price ranged from about $2-$10 but after a variety of celebrities like Beyoncé, Ke$ha, Nicole Scherzinger and Selena Gomez adopted the feather, it became a hot commodity.

Now ranging from about $10-$500, depending on the quality (some are made with REAL bird feathers), these feathers may come at a pricey cost.
But although the price may be a downfall, a positive is that the feathers do come in a variety of different colors, shapes and sizes, making it possible for everyone to find something they like.
The feather hair extension started off as just a fun addition to a girl’s hair and has since turned into one of the most popular fashion fads we have seen in the past year.
But does this feather fashion fad still seem to be going strong, or does the increasing price make it so last season?

You tell me, feather hair extensions: are they in, or out?

Some people in this world are completely certain of their sense of style and can walk right into a store and know exactly what they want.
 As for me... Sometimes it’s not so easy.
Since I consider myself to have a very unique style, it often becomes hard for me to find something I truly love when I shop around in stores.
Now this isn't to say I don't know exactly what I want, it just means my sense of style is a little "high maintenance" so stores don't usually have what I want.
(Pretty much why I have aquired a sewing machine and am attempting to make my own clothes... but that's another story...)
So what do you do when you can’t find the perfect clothes for your style?
Grab something else that adds a little perk to your outfit.
It’s not just about a shirt or the pants, so if you can’t find the perfect top or bottom that stands out to you, you need to take on Plan B.
It’s time to accessorize.
Take a look back through your closet and see how you can switch up an old outfit by switching up the accessories.
Don’t just write off your old clothes; find ways to make them new.
Different accessories are appropriate for different outfits.
For example: The trivial black mini dress
Why not switch it up with a pair of black feather earrings?
Or a bright color pump?
Or how about a belt?

There are many different ways to make an old outfit new.
My personal favorite accessory is thigh high socks:
The perfect addition to any outfit.
Remember, when in doubt, ACCESSORIZE!