Do you ever wake up in the morning and find it hard to put the perfect outfit together? You may have an idea of what you would like to wear, but as you try out your options nothing seems to look the way you want it too.
This is all part of the process I like to refer to as Outfit Building.
Sometimes outfit building can be extremely difficult, but once you understand the process and get the hang of it, it becomes much easier.

The easiest way to simplify outfit building is to begin by picking one specific item.
Decide which article of clothing you feel is the essential item: the one you know for sure you want to wear that day.
Once you have decided which item that is, you can then begin building your outfit off of it.

Now, I know this might sound a bit difficult and can often be hard to explain in words, so I am going to break it down for you.

For example:

The other day when getting ready I decided for sure that I wanted to wear my new khaki green shorts from Forever 21:
Ex: The essential item
Once I discovered I wanted to wear the shorts, I knew I would have to wear a pair of tights underneath them.
I decided on a pair of brown tights with a bit of an animal print pattern to them:
I chose the pattern tights because the shorts were a solid color and I needed something to break them up.
After choosing the brown tights, I knew the only shoe option would be the brown combat boots:
After constructing the bottom half of my outfit, I began to think about the kind of look I was going for in order to finish off the top.
The boots are a bit edgy so I decided to go for a bit of a bohemian-grunge look.
I chose a graphic tee from PacSun that tied into the color scheme of the bottom half:
But a graphic tee alone is too plain for me, so I threw on a little tan sweater vest over it:
But the outfit wasn’t complete, it needed one more thing, so I threw on a skinny brown braided belt:
..and that tied the whole thing together!

As you can see, in order to build an outfit, you must start from the beginning and work your way through.
By practicing the process you can end up polishing off the perfect look!

The Final Look: