So, I often find that the girls who love fashion sometimes feel they are hindered from truly expressing their style.
Many believe it takes money to buy fashion and the more expensive the label, the more "trendy" an item is. WRONG.
This is what I mean about drawing the line between fashion and style. Just because something is covered in designer brand emblems doesn't mean it portrays true style.
Just because a person has enough money to buy themselves a $400 purse and cart it around like a minature puppy does not mean they have style.
True style comes from within and can be anything you love; it is about wearing what makes you happy from head to toe.
Style is about wearing something unique and being true to yourself, even if others don't approve.
Sometimes the cutest outfit you can possibly find is on a sale rack or at a local thrift store, not your pricey high scale fashion boutique.
Although thrift stores may be a scary thought,do not fear, you never know the hidden treasures you can find.
Remember, what makes a great outfit are its pieces.
I have to admit, that is what works for me. I never go out in search for an outfit, I buy articles of clothing a piece at a time and make sure the item can be versatile and isn't good for just a one time use.
For the girl who is drawn to style, you must remember to never let others thoughts affect you.
If a person stares at me like I'm absolutely crazy for what I am wearing, I feel like it is a successful day.
Don't feel embarrased if a person gives you a double take or stares you down. Stick your chin up tall and your nose in the air.
Let them stare, you are clearly a sight to be looked at.
Wear what you want and what makes you feel comfortable. Dress for yourself and no one else.
Shirt: Burlington Coat Factory $5.00
Skirt: PacSun $23.00
Tights: Burlington Coat Factory $3.00
Boots: Shoe Deparment: $35.00
1/15/2012 04:33:45 am

Art and fashion should be combine together in order to make a special design. I really like how you put together the dress, maybe you could submit a <a href="”>t-shirt fashion</a> design to my company!

1/25/2012 12:56:24 pm

Thanks for the comment! I will totally check it out :)



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